A tallit is a large, rectangular Jewish prayer shawl that is worn over the head or shoulders during prayer services and other occasions to inspire awe and reverence for G-d at prayer. Kip and Christina will be presenting Emma her tallit during her Bat Mitzvah ceremony.
Boatwright Wedding Dress
Kip and Christina were married in 2010 on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Their story began well before that when they first meet in 2005. They are both so proud of all of Emma's hard work and wanted to create something very special for her for her Bat Mitzvah that helped to tell their story for generations to come.
Creating Heirlooms
Jews By Choice have the honor of initiating traditions and ceremonial items for descendants. The Boatwrights repurposed Christina's wedding dress fabric to tailor tallit and head coverings
for Emma, Kip and Christina.